“It’s like Kundalini for Business”

As we enter a NEW fifth dimensional frontier, the rules of  marketing have changed … especially for purpose-driven enterprises integrated at a higher vibrational frequency. The old, manipulative ways of marketing are out of alignment and don’t work like they used to. What does? 




Create a Magnetic Brand Aligned with Your Soul-Coding

This first-of-its-kind Divine Blueprint branding process gets you super clear on the one-of-a-kind genius and mission your soul intended for you. We then craft a powerful personal brand that magnetizes your ideal client to your ‘legacy body of work’.


Scale Rapidly & Ethically 

This is the ultimate in  scaleability and leverage. … without the loss of humanity. We’ll create an AI powered funnel for attraction, nurturing, and conversion with a Quantum consciousness approach.


Learn the NEW Quantum Messaging Framework

Unlearn the traditional manipulative influencing  techniques that prey on fear and embrace fifth dimensional principles that nourish the soul and magnetise miracles.

Ready to Grow Rapidly? Authentically. Ethically. Sustainably.

Hey there,

If you’re passionate about creating an even bigger ripple effect but you cringe every time you see all the mind control and manipulation of traditional, 3D marketing tactics, this is for you.

Maybe you’re finding your ego getting carried away bouncing from AI shiny object to another, not grounding anything, and keeping you distracted from your mission.

Or maybe you’re frozen. Stuck. With so many options you don’t know what to do.

And you know that preening and posturing on social media day-in-day-out is a fast-track to spiritual devolution.  The very opposite of what you’re here for.

So – your’e stuck between a rock and a hard place.

It’s frustrating. I get it.

All you want to do is make a difference  but to do that, you need more people to see your message.

At the same time you know that if you go down the path of tradtional marketing and jump on the manipulation bandwagon, you’ll be out of alignment with your values.

You yearn for a more ethical, authentic, transparent way of marketing but if you’re honest with yourself, you don’t know how to do that in a way that works.

And of course, you want the time and money freedom to enjoy your life too – without being tied to your business.

That’s where my team and I come in.

Why Me?

I’m Kristina Elphinstone, former founder of Words that Sell, chief at The Marketing Powerhouse, and Founder of Higher Purpose Movement.

I’m a 30 year veteran direct response copywriter, digital marketer, seriial online entrepreneur, business coach, consciousness adventurer, and card-carying mystic. 

I’ve made  many clients millions. I’ve had several successful ventures AND several failures. I’ve also helped many with consciousness expansion, finding their purpose, and healing.

What that means is I understand the nuances of consciousness AND I know how to make money.

Some people refer to me as a UNICORN.

I also know what it’s like to feel like you’re selling your soul. I felt that way a few years back. So much so I shut down my marketing agency and turned my back on copywriting and agency work altogether.

After some navel-gazing I realised that nstead of shunning the marketing world altogether, it was my part of my soul’s mission to help revolutionize the marketing industry.

That way, purpose driven, conscious entrepreneurs can ‘holistically’ impact more people with their transformational offerings … without all the 3D inauthenticity and greed-feeding.

This led to the development of a new framework for ‘cosnciouss influence called  the Holographic Influence Method.

So – where to next?

3 Ways We Can Help

1. Personal Brand Reinvention Aligned with Your Divine Consciousness Blueprint
(group coaching and private consulting 

2. Sales, Marketing, and Business Guidance 
Thriving in the new paradigm means operating in a very different way. We help you navigate that landscape and amplify your impact … without compromising your values.

3. Sales & Marketing Automation, Campaigns, Lead Generation, & Outsourcing Agency

This is For You If You’re …

  • Devoted to being extraordinary – the best at what you do.
  • Devoted to your higher purpose mission
  • An action taker – a ferocious one.
  • An alternative thinker – you realise that not everything in the world is as it appears to be.
  • Committed to a path of service
  • Devoted to a path of consciousness expansion
  • Offer a quality product or service.
  • Have the money to invest in your growth.

This is NOT for You If ..

  • You’re looking for a ‘miracle worker’.
  • If you have a product or service that nobody wants to buy, as much as I’d like to, I can’t get blood out of a stone.
  • Or if you’re bleeding money and you’re hoping I can save you, I learnt a long time ago that Savior syndrome doesn’t work for me or for anyone.
  • You’re not prepared to take action.
  • You’re not open to new things.
  • Some areas of my work are highly esoteric. If you’re not open to that, a business relationship between us won’t work.

But if you are …

Before You Invest, Let’s See If We’re a FIT

Before we agree to work together, I want to find out more about your business and what you want to achieve so I can be sure of a few things:

That I can help you based on what you want to achieve.

That the chemistry is right. If we’re energetically aligned, magic will flow. If not, it won’t so that isn’t right for either of us.

That your business or product/service is inspirational and focused on the betterment of humanity.

And of course, you need to be sure you want to work with me too.

So – fill out your details below and let’s arrange a time to chat.

It’s completely no obligation. In fact, it’s more like a Coffee Date than a Sales Call.

I look forward to meeting you.

Big love


Kristina xoxo